Commonwealth Editorial

Professional Proofreading for Commercial, Academic, and Business Publications


If you don't find your answers below, feel free to email us.

Proofreading Text, Checking Layout

You can send your documents as a word processing file or as a pdf.

When you send us a word processing file, our focus is on the text itself, and our edits will be highlighted using "track changes." Because formatting varies with font choices and other factors, it's difficult to offer any opinion on the layout and design of a text document.

We can, however, check layout and formatting when you submit your document as a pdf. If you'd like us to edit the pdf itself, we may need to purchase fonts in order to preserve the formatting. If you'd prefer to avoid that added expense, we can leave our comments as markup items on the pdf.

Sending Large Files

Most word processing files, regardless of their length, are easily sent as email attachments. Documents with several images, however, may exceed the 10MB size limit imposed by many email providers.

If that’s the case, just upload the file to a web-based service such as DropBox and send us the link. When we’re finished and have received payment, we’ll send you a new link to download the file.

Other Questions?

Still looking for an answer to a technical question? Just send us an email, and we’ll be glad to help!